Dental Implants
If you have lost a tooth (or a few teeth) due to an injury or disease, consider dental implants to rejuvenate your smile and oral health!
What is an implant?
An implant is a titanium screw in the shape of a root that is surgically placed into the jawbone. Titanium is the same material that many replacement hips and knees are made out of. It is also a metal that is well suited to pair with a human bone. A replacement tooth is then fixed into the post. An implant feels like a natural tooth.
Patients are having implants placed more than ever to replace where teeth have been lost. To determine whether or not you are a good candidate for an implant, an exam can be performed by a dentist. The exam will include an x-rays so the dentist can evaluate the bone surrounding your teeth. The dentist will also most likely refer you to have a 3-D image taken of your face and head as well, because dental x-rays are only 2-D and it gets a better view.
Dr. Jennifer completed her implant training at the Misch International Implant Institute. Contact our office today for more information on dental implants in Lemont and Homer Glen, IL.